I Miss the Porn Surfers

I miss the porn surfers. Around my old blog, you could always faintly hear the sound of one hand typing. But these hairy-palmed people haven't made the jump to ScienceBlogs yet.

I could write a serious entry about how Muslim veils are analogous to bikini tops, and they would come running in hoards. "The B word! Someone's used the B word!" Or the times when I wrote about Iron Age war booty sacrifices in bogs, and the hit counter would go crazy. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to mistype "big booty" and get "bog booty".

Currently, Aardvarchaeology isn't generating any Google hits at all. I must perform the ritual to Summon Porn Surfer.

*raises hands, screws up eyes, chants*

"Bikini! Bikini! Booty! Booty! Bog booty! Big bog booty!"


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What the..??

Google promised me some big booty!!

Wecome to the Sciblogs party.

Thanks! If you stick around, I can promise some juicy descriptions and pictures of Danish big booty. The kind you find when you dig for peat in southern Jutland...

What? Big Bog Booty?


Though National Geographic had that pretty story on Ljubljanica River gifts. Mmmm. Bronze age swords.

This reminds me of when a Norwegian bird station started a page on their research on irruptive migration in the Great Tit. Unfortunately they wrote "big tits". They couldn't understand why there was suddenly such a lot of interest in parid migration...

By Tommy Tyrberg (not verified) on 01 Jan 2007 #permalink