Mike Mann, The #HockeyStickGraph, #Matthew, #AGW

It turns out that there is an untold story behind the "discovery" of the famous Hockey Stick graph by Mike Mann and his colleagues. It is an excellent example of how science works, worthy of repeating, say, in a science classroom.

Anthropogenic Climate Change is very serious business. And, therefore, there has been far too little humor applied to communicating about this problem. Mike Mann and his co-author Tom Toles have started to backfill that gaping hole in the collective effort to bring the most important existential issue of our time to everyone's attention.

Hurricane Matthew wasn't just a storm enhanced by, or affected by, or influenced by, climate change. Matthew is the new poster storm for climate change and catastrophe, not because it Destroyed America (it didn't, America got lucky, though Haiti did not) but because of several unique characteristics of that storm.

So, I did an interview with Mike Mann, even as Matthew was just about to pounce on Florida, in which we discuss various aspects of Atlantic hurricanes, and Matthew in particular.

We also discuss long term variation in the climate record, those squiggles in the surface warming trend on top of which regular warming is imposed.

We discuss Mike's journey to the Hockey Stick, which I'm pretty sure is a story that has not been covered on a blog post or podcast or anything like that.

And, we discuss Mann and Tole's new book, "The Madhouse Effect."

Click here to get more info and hear the podcast, the latest edition of Ikonokast, with Mike Haubrich and Yours Truly.

If that is of interest to you, note also that we have an earlier interview with Peter Gleick on the California Drought and the crisis in Syria, and other matters, all related to Climate Change.

And a recent interview with Emily Cassidy on the food supply, which is a fairly closely related topic.

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Michael Mann, author of some of the best books on climate science (including The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines, and Dire Predictions, 2nd…
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I'm reading the book now. It looks pretty good so far. I could wish it had been written in less erudite language, given the nature of the audience that most needs to read it.

Expect my review in a few days.

By Christopher Winter (not verified) on 10 Oct 2016 #permalink