Birds Prophesying Spring

For the past two weeks I've been hearing more and more birdsong. The bullfinch is singing his characteristic snowmelt ditty, and the woodpecker is making territorial drumrolls. Some other species of small bird is having these noisy cocktail parties where they fill a tree and chatter for hours. But the winter is far from over yet. We have lots of snow and it was -9ºC this morning. It must be the lengthening daylight that triggers those bird brains. And today two magpies have started fussing absentmindedly about the big nest outside our bathroom window.


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Good luck trying to sleep when the magpie chicks wake up with sunrise and start "singing" to get fed.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 16 Feb 2012 #permalink

Snowdrops already with buttons. Winter aconite on their way as well. Next week +5-10 C and rain. Spring report from Malmö. Nice bird pictures Martin.

By Thomas ivarsson (not verified) on 16 Feb 2012 #permalink

The birds may prophesy spring, but the groundhog prophesied six more weeks of winter !

By murmel.jones (not verified) on 16 Feb 2012 #permalink