Kinky Ikea Bathrobe


So Ikea sells this bathrobe called "Njuta". It's a verb, meaning "experience (intense) pleasure", and it's usually reserved for pretty powerful kinds of pleasure such as good food, good music, good sex. And Junior's robe size here is Small to Medium, which goes some way towards explaining why the sticker on his new bathrobe reads:

Experience Intense Pleasure



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This reminds me of a comedy show on danish television a couple of years ago. They made fun of a box sold at IKEA named "knep" (which i guess means "trick" i swedish, but f**ck in danish).

It's actually pretty funny if you speak danish:

... and pula is also the currency in Botswana...

Man, I knew Swedes have mellowed somewhat since the days of the Vikings, but BDSM wear made of terrycloth? I'm afraid that's really, really wussy. =P

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 09 Jun 2010 #permalink

Wussy? We're just very, very submissive. And we have been very bad boys back in the 9th century.