I'm @sweden This Week On Twitter

Skärmavbild 2016-04-25 kl. 10.37.09The Swedish Institute is, according to Wikipedia, a Government agency in Sweden with the responsibility to spread information about Sweden outside the country. One way the organisation does this is the Twitter account @sweden, which is handed over to a new Swede every week. This week it's me.


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How is the Swede of the Week chosen?

By Phillip Helbig (not verified) on 25 Apr 2016 #permalink

Anybody can nominate prospective people. I don't know who does the selection. According to a friend of mine they often manage to choose maniacs. The list of dos and don'ts they've sent me reads like a history of things that have gone wrong with various tweeters. "Don't get into fights." "Don't try to pick up people for sex." :-D

According to a friend of mine they often manage to choose maniacs.

I'm about as surprised to learn this as Captain Renault was to discover that gambling was taking place at Rick's Cafe. Admittedly, it's hard to make a coherent argument in 140 ASCII characters. But the medium does attract a certain kind of person.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 25 Apr 2016 #permalink

"I’m about as surprised to learn this as Captain Renault was to discover that gambling was taking place at Rick’s Cafe. Admittedly, it’s hard to make a coherent argument in 140 ASCII characters. But the medium does attract a certain kind of person."

Indeed; your comment has 147. :-)

By Phillip Helbig (not verified) on 26 Apr 2016 #permalink

Sweden looks Wolwerine-esque this week. As befits our status as the benign mutants (the malign ones being in the US Republican primaries).
-- -- -- -- --
I found the obvious candidate for when Scotland follows suit with @ Scotland...

By birgerjohansson (not verified) on 26 Apr 2016 #permalink

I think this makes you officially "World Famous in Sweden"

By Michael Dunn (not verified) on 28 Apr 2016 #permalink

Please do not join some "reality" show! Or if you do, let it be "Neanderthal vs. Cro-Magnon"!

Or maybe Ctulhu Manor -the last survivor (literally, survivor) gets the reward.

By birgerjohansson (not verified) on 02 May 2016 #permalink

I did play 7 games of Jeopardy 15 years ago

I trust you did better than "Weird Al" Yankovic:

I was there to match my intellect
On national TV
Against a plumber and an architect
Both with a Ph.D.
I was tense, I was nervous
I guess it wasn't my night
Art Fleming gave the answers
But I couldn't get the questions right

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 02 May 2016 #permalink