Happy PETA*day!

*People Eating Tasty Animals

(From Animal Crackers via Science and Politics).


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My motto is, I'll stop eating animals when the animals (I'm talking to you blackflies!) stop eating me.

Careful, Tara.
You don't want the AIDS deniers, anti-vacc folks *and* the PETA people against you.
People will never be able to get a snarky comment in edgewise.

Well, I would not force a vegetarian to eat meat, and I am not going hunting today, either. I am super-skinny and have a very fast metabolism. If I do not eat meat at least once a day, I feel hungry and eat junk all day long.

The idea behind this "holiday" is to raise a glass against PETA and eat meat as you usually would do, but perhaps choose a species that you do not eat every day, perhaps venison instead of chicken. I think we'll go out tonight and get something like that at a restaurant. No animals will be killed because I ordered it to be killed - the meat is already in the restaurant's freezer and if I do not eat it, somebody else will or it will be thrown out.

A little gratuitous, boys and girls.
I am a conscientious objector to factory farming, so I do not eat meat from such places. I have eaten pasture-raised beef (very good and good for you), and would happily eat venison and wild pig (a true pest here) if I knew the hunter to be ethical and a damned good shot. I am many hours' drive from farms and ranches where I could find truly free-range fowl for eggs and hoofed creatures, so I do without except for the occasional splurge at a whole foods market.
Go back and read some of your comments--they look a bit reactionary. Then go to a slaughterhouse, or heck, just a feed lot where the cattle stand about in their own feces and are fed a food their systems were never meant for. And then give a thought to factory farming and H5N1.

On the other hand, I'm a vegetarian who will stand firmly behind your right to eat whatever garbage you feel motivated to fit in your piehole. Please extend me the same... uh... courtesy. :)

By speedwell (not verified) on 17 Mar 2006 #permalink