More problems with piercings


More like this

Ugh. That's wrong. I found the full text for the first one, and it (unfortunately) shows a picture. It took them 6 hours to cut the barbell off.

There have been times at which I have been sorely tempted to go get that piece of skin on my nose between my eyes pierced so I could put my glasses through there instead of hanging them from my ears. Those time have usually been induced by my glasses slipping uncomfortably, even maddeningly, down my face as I'm working in sterile conditions inside a flow hood.

But then I read posts like this and go make croakers instead.

I would love this blog except for the fact that so many of the publications are behind subscription walls. I am not a student, just a curious layman, so I don't have university access to these pubs. It is a pisser.

Heath, I think I fixed the problem.

BGT, I wish I could just post all of the papers for free, but that would mean emailing A LOT of authors and even still probably getting my ass taken offline. I'll try my best to link to free versions when I can!