Who was your (abortion access synonym) for president?

Today, we've got an absurd story that leads to a more absurd story. The absurd concerns yet another remarkably asinine wonderfully American attempt to use the inauguration of our 44th President as a marketing ploy:

"Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. (NYSE: KKD) is honoring American's sense of pride and freedom of choice on Inauguration Day, by offering a free doughnut of choice to every customer on this historic day, Jan. 20. By doing so, participating Krispy Kreme stores nationwide are making an oath to tasty goodies -- just another reminder of how oh-so-sweet 'free' can be."

That's right, in celebration of inauguration day, you have the freedom of choice to do your part to enhance the obesity epidemic without paying one thin dime. Or perhaps I should say, you have the "abortion access on demand" to do your part to enhance the obesity epidemic:

Just an unfortunate choice of words? For the sake of our Wednesday morning doughnut runs, we hope so. The unfortunate reality of a post Roe v. Wade America is that "choice" is synonymous with abortion access and celebration of 'freedom of choice' is a tacit endorsement of abortion rights on demand.

That's right, folks. According to the American Life League's Judie Brown, the word "choice" is synonymous with the phrase "abortion access" - apparently regardless of the context. Some of you might think that's a little bit scary. Some of you might think that's a little bit insane. And some of you might think that this is just funny. That's fine. Everyone has the right to make that abortion access for themselves. (My own vote, if you're curious, is for "all of the above".)

ht: Mad Biologist


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I'm sorry, but "choice" is the grade of beef between prime and select. Don't take my word for it, check it the USDA.

By Nelson Muntz (not verified) on 18 Jan 2009 #permalink

Where are they giving out free abortions with free Krispy Kremes?
Or at least free abortions for some, free miniature American flags for others?

The term "abortion on demand" has always puzzled me. The only image I can conjure up is a woman screaming for an abortion in the middle of the WalMart parking lot and then getting one right there.

Last year we had one of those "walk X miles for breast cancer research" fundraising events. Their radio ads tried to motivate women to join in by saying that there are many ways to help the cause, and joining the walk was "a choice you can make". A week or so before it was held I was in line at the coffee shop to get a tasty baked good, and the large male person ahead of me was ranting at the poor cashier about it, saying that nobody should support that sort of thing because it was just promoting abortion!!!! "It's in their ads! They use the word 'choice', and that's nothing but a feminist code word for 'abortion'! So it's 'Save Your Boobs, Murder Your Babies'!!!" Yup, that's what the man said.

By ChicagoMolly (not verified) on 18 Jan 2009 #permalink

Last year I recall hearing Sarah Palin saying (boasting?) -- more than once --that she had "made the choice" or "chosen" to have her baby even knowing that he would have special needs. I wondered why no one ever called her on that?

"The term "abortion on demand" has always puzzled me. The only image I can conjure up is a woman screaming for an abortion in the middle of the WalMart parking lot and then getting one right there."
The pro-life groups hope to scare/shame everyone into being unwilling to provide a legal medical option. They want to ensure there are waiting periods, and 'personal responsiblity videos' that must be watched and all manner of obstacles. Some such restrictions probably sound, objectively, like reasonable ideas to many people, until you find out how difficult it is to actually obtain an abortion in some areas.
End result: at least round these parts, a woman must drive 45 miles for two visits, or across state lines, to actually get an abortion.
Being upset about "abortion on demand" is being against all elective abortion access (but ocassionally having the political savvy to go about fighting it indirectly).

On a similar note, are people who favor free access to abortion really opposed to life itself? That's what the "pro-life" euphemism of their opponents would imply.