Welcome Planet Code4Lib readers!

Book of Trogool has just been added to Planet Code4Lib, a library-technology blog reader. I am of course honored to be in some very fine company.

I have a mixed readership here: librarians, technology pros, researchers from several disciplines. I encourage all my readers to pop over to take a look at Planet Code4Lib.

If you're not a librarian, chances are that your image of the library and the librarians who staff it is… well, a bit fusty and out-of-date. Planet Code4Lib will open your eyes in a hurry. Do we do the things you think we do? Well, yes, probably. But that's not all we do.

If you're a technology pro working with librarians, figuring out how we think can be a burden. Planet Code4Lib is a marvelous bridge. Along with the hardcore techies, it includes cataloguing and metadata practitioners, vendor representatives, and a few public-service librarians. Follow Planet Code4Lib for a while; you'll learn library jargon and the latest discussions in the field by osmosis.

If you are a librarian, it can be hard to keep up with the technotalk, even enough for basic professional awareness. Chances are you'll find a few blogs on Planet Code4Lib that explain matters clearly, credibly, comprehensively, and comprehensibly. Perhaps you don't need to follow the entire Planet, but it's fantastic for finding the right library-tech blogs.

Welcome, also, to readers coming to Book of Trogool for the first time through Planet Code4Lib. Glad to have you here; stick around and leave some comments!

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