Friday Flower Porn

She waited, yearning, quivering, and she spread her vivid pink petals wide. Then she heard the buzz of his wings then felt the caress of his six legs. "Yes, yes, that's the spot," she cried as she strained and lifted her tender pistils toward him. "Damn," he thought to himself. "Those babies are as red as Mrs. Gardener's canker sores. I'm goin' in!"


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That is a sweet close-up!!


Heh. Thanks! My son took that photo. I've asked him to take spread-petal shoots at the campus greenhouses so I can have more matieral to feed the floral erotica machine. Hopefully, he'll have the time and energy to do this.

The voice in my head attributed to the insect is from Futurama: the robot police officer who always has that snarky partner with him.

The voice in my head attributed to the insect is from Futurama: the robot police officer who always has that snarky partner with him.

Ha! Good call. That Apis stud will bee a recurring player in the Flower Porn series. Thanks for assigning such a fitting voice to him.

Do you get points? Oh, yes, you will get points.