an assortment

Random interesting snippets... Grauniad has a sudden burst of interesting science articles and features!
Blogger are busy as always.

interesting Grauniad article on ALMA

also an interesting teaser on ELT

the science weekly podcast for this week also looks good - climate porn, Hawking on survival and space, and a skeptic

Backreaction has trouble with strings, bigfeet and Lee

Rob worries about the distance to M33 - Stanek et al (not the Angry One) find it to be further away than previously estimated - intriguing, and goes with the anomalies in LMC distance moduli, but I don't think it will change H0, more a reminder of how tricky this business can be

Matt finds the important news about Apple - actually the Mac Pro Quad looks kinda cool also, back to decent 64 bit functionality, finally. Now I just need ~ $10k to appear in a new grant or two.

J.Dub. gets seduced by data, but backs from the brink

astroprof has moved - no, the other one. Astroprof should move content from the old blog to the new one, some interesting posts there that should be on the new place for easy browsing. In the mean time, remember "I've never seen a Green Star..."

Physics Musings explains Maykoh Mirrors - funky

Science and Reason points to Great Unsolved Math Problems - good summary and some recent interesting technology news


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