Eyjafjallajökull - stopping the ash

It is not true that, after the failure to put a specially made "top hat" on top of Eyjafjallajökull to stem the ash plume, there will be an attempt to put a hose on top of the mountain to capture the ash;

rather an attempt will be made to inject a lot of golf balls (used, collected from Akureyri, mostly) and old rubber bands into the vent in the hope that these will jam up the lava flow long enough to stop the eruption of ash...

From Edwin Roald - Golf Course Design - in Iceland


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And in case the golf ball idea doesn't work out, the back-up plan is "Operation Big Top Hat" - a much larger hat that will be constructed from used Big Tops donated by circuses all over the world (if time allows, a pair of horns will be added to the hat in keeping with the viking theme).

While costly, this plan has one major advantage: since the Big Top Hat will be large enough to cover the whole island, it will solve the volcano problem and the banking crisis in one go.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 18 May 2010 #permalink

Operation Big Top Hat will interfere with construction of the relief volcanoes.

Is it just that there aren't enough virgins left in Iceland? The Volcano God has clearly spoken its need for sacrifice! Could we ship them in from Ireland or something? (Was it Thor that handled the volcano business? I could never remember...)

Do they drink a lot of orange Jump cola in Iceland?

@Philip IV - I fear nothing can stop the debt eruption...

@ryano - not when I were a lad, but who know what kids nowadays put in their mouth

@sipior - don't be daft. Virgins? Ireland?
Lots of banksters though, Surtur liks banksters.

Völuspá er talið talað töluð af sibyl, sem segir sögu af heiminum, þar af guði, menn og skrÃmsli, frá upphafi til Ragnarök, þá er goðin falla, sólin verða svartur, reyk og eldi mun gush fram og jörð sökkva à alger dimma.
Translation : until the Ragnarök, when the gods will fall, the sun become black, smoke and fire will gush forth and the earth sink in total darkness. oh but a very scary photo is at : Has to be seen to be belied : http://bluemarsonline.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/volcanicoilspill.gif?…