AAS: first will be last

So all good things must come to an end, and the 3000 or so astronomers disperse from SEA-TAC to destinations worldwide.

It was a good meeting, though light on major announcements.
I have a backlog of press releases that I may or may not get round to picking over.
Some nice pretty pics in there.
Think I did ok for myself, we'll see how it goes.

As we were wrapping up and heading for the last couple of exoplanet sessions, John (no not that John, the other John) pointed out a couple of poignant remnants

The large astrophysics missions were doing Silli Band swag:
a LISA constellation shape; some IXO thing; and, a W.

Cute idea, but, dudes, about 6 months too late.
Yeah, I took a couple of each, just in case, but they're like soooooooo spring 2010.

And as we left, there, lying forlornly on the floor, was the last W...

There was a last day poster session.
At least this time the convention center staff didn't come in and tear them all down before lunch, but one section was curiously blank.

I am reliably informed that this section had been set aside for the
"Good Theories of Dark Energy" session,
with "Dark Matter Models that fit Astronomical Data" on the other side...

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