how low can you go...

a few years ago, during a particularly busy period, I found myself putting "take a shower" on my To Do Lists...

not so much because I needed the reminder, though people may differ on that point, but more for the temporary morale boost of being able to cross at least one point off the To Do List (since at that point I had found that "Update To Do List" was no longer a satisfactory checkpoint to make...)

I am intrigued to report that this is not, in fact, the low point, it is possible to be driven to having to formally set aside a slot for even more elementary processes, and, no, I don't mean "eat lunch" - that became optional as a postdoc

ah, the glorious life of a tenured professor...

got to dash, have a meeting to go to!

More like this long add you check off that more elementary process when nature calls, and don't wait until it's on your calendar...