Where do you want to be in 30 years?

Answers on a single sheet double spaced 12 pt font, by monday, please, including figures.

The NASA Advisory Council, subcommittee on Astrophysics, has started a Roadmap Exercise.

The roadmap exercise was called for at the February 2013 meeting.
The roadmap is intended to:

  • Articulate NASA’s astrophysics vision looking out 30 years
  • Science-based -> identify key science investigations and challenges for the future

    Identify notional missions & technologies needed to enable the science

  • Developed by a task force of the APS (AstroPhysics Subcommittee)
  • Include community input, including Town Halls
  • Release publicly in mid-December 2013, and present at AAS meeting in January 2014

As a task force, the meetings of the roadmap committee are closed.

No Town Halls have been called on this, that I know of, though there is a general NASA Town Hall session at the Indianapolis AAS meeting in June.

It is an impressive committee, with an interesting list of members from a range of subfields.

By next Monday, March 25th, 5 pm Eastern, people may submit a 1 page abstract of a presentation on science or technology goals and challenges for NASA Astrophysics for the next three decades.

That is a rather big task.

Some subset of those submissions will be invited to a May workshop to present their suggestions to the task force.

The call for papers came out as an AAS category notification on March 1st.

Hope y'all are reading your email...
the call for abstracts has not been well publicized, and a lot of people are not thinking about this or have taken in that this is happening now.

This is potentially pretty serious, these are recommendations for NASA's long term science goals and mission strategies.
No doubt the issues will be revisited, but these exercises can take on life of their own, and it is important that there is broad participation in these exercises.
Especially when they are at short notice and during term time.

Think fast and write well.

A FAQ from the Roadmap

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