Spooky Saturday Fractal (LXIV)

It’s getting to be that time of year again, when I pull the severed heads and oversized rats from the crawlspace... a time to deck the halls with ultraviolet, spider webs and witches brooms. My passion for the night of fright even bleeds into my blogging. For instance, there’s the fractal in my banner. It is the exact same Julia set that is normally there, just with a slightly different set of colors. If I were to change the fractal itself, it might come out looking something like this:

But... since I actually posted this fractal as my banner last year, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to come up with something new... or in this case, Newton. I find the resemblance between the webbed forms of this Newton set and a black widow spider to be rather spooky:


A Spidery Set

I particularly like the desktop sized version of this one... I’ll probably use it to decorate my desktop, if I can find it under all these skulls....

All fractals made by the author using ChaosPro.


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