The Truth is, as usual, a little bit more complicated

The story about National Science Teachers of America refusing the "Inconvenient Truth" DVDs is not as black & white as previously reported. Sandra Porter has a good run-down.

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I figured it was probably not as black-and-white as my fellow SB'ers were making it in their eagerness to pile on. Such stories usually aren't.

I was definitely over-eager to post without double-checking as I saw a couple of trusted bloggers post about it already. My bad.

"NSTA policy states that the association cannot endorse any outside organization's products and/or messages to its members. Therefore, we do not send any such products and/or messages directly to our members, regardless of the source."

This is no longer in the press release. What happened to it?

By Drake Milton (not verified) on 29 Nov 2006 #permalink


The only record of NSTA distributing it to members we found was from 1999, prior to the current endorsement policy.

Is now missing from the end of the paragraph that begins "The partnership with API"....