Global Warming for Ditto-Heads

Explained patiently, with pretty pictures.


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I am in a very interesting place, vis a vis global warming. I think that it is factual (i.e., the Earth is warming over time), making me a bad boy amongsts some on the Right. but I think it is *not* anthropogenic, making me a bad boy to many on the Left. What is an honestly questioning guy with a background in science to do, huh?

Well, dig through the archives of Real Climate, Deltoid, No Se Nada, The Intersection, Stoat...plenty of excellent blogs wih links to actual studies and quality commentary.

I sympathize with you, Deep Thought. What does one do when one understands the arguments and explanations, but doesn't find them very persuasive?

By bob koepp (not verified) on 08 Dec 2006 #permalink

To me the question then becomes: What is our standard of evidence to make prudent decisions about the quality of life for our children and grandchildren?

Driving off a cliff is one way to prove the cliff exists. I wouldn't want to ride along with drivers who plan to perform that experiment, however.