Proper behavior in a coffee-shop

Before I start telecommuting, I need to learn some basic rules of behavior...


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He missed a few.

1. The lower the cost of access the worse the coffee is going to be.

2. In any coffee shop item 26 is just like item 15, only with raisins instead of cashews.

3. Your best (and cheapest) bet is always a cup-a-joe with non-diary creamer.

4. Never access free porn sites while on-line in a coffee shop. Said sites always have links to unpleasant locations on such occasions.

5. Never click on one of PZ Myer's links to a story about cephalodpods while in a coffee shop; it will include disquieting pictures of squid sex.

6. You can find creationists in a coffee shop, only the coffee shop version calls themselves "Rew Agers".

7. Just like pot and alcohol, caffeine intoxication does not lend itself to deep insight. Or even coherent thinking.

8. When given a choice between coffee and food in a coffee shop, stick with the food. It's cheaper, more nourishing, and won't get you hyper, anxious, or put you in a paranoic state.

9. The guy on the couch expounding on the evils of the Republicans today will be the guy on the end of the bar 20 years from now expounding on the evils of the Democrats.

10. Your order always arrives just as you're half way through typing a lengthy entry for your blog.

Additional rules regarding accessing The Web in a coffee shop can be added below.

It drives me nuts that a cup of joe at Star**cks is a full two bucks after tax now. I used to hang out and do homework at coffee shops, but haven't had the need to lately.

The other thing that drives me nuts about Star**cks is their insistence that they've reinvented sizes. My order is always a large, regular coffee. No room. I used to get asked, "do you mean venti?" To which I usually smiled and said, "only if it's a large." But I actually had a cashier insist a few years ago, "we only have tall, grande, and venti."

I go to a delightful coffee shop up the street called "La Vita Dolce" which has improved even more since it changed owners a couple of months ago. They have other lucrative jobs - the shop is for their own fun and providing a venue for meeting the local community.

Wi-fi is strong, reliable and free. And 'large' means 'large'. No fancy terminology. And all the employees know exactly how to fix my mocca - I don't even have to say a word, just enter the shop and one of them starts fixing it. They even purchased exactly the kind of sprinkles my daughter likes on her gelato.

Your source needs to learn a simple rule: The norm for presentation is dark figures on light ground. Using white letters on a black background strains the hell out of our visual processing, and the practice is almost as bad as using pale colors (or white) for lettering against saturated coloring for the background.

Don't take my word for it. Examine respected scientific journals the world over and you will not find one that will tolerate 'reverse video' for articles.

By SnarlyOldFart (not verified) on 27 May 2007 #permalink