Using Blogs to Promote Science Literacy

Miss Baker's slideshow about using blogs in the science classroom:

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Miss Baker is simply amazing - I can't wait to meet her and her students. A terrific presentation (although my picture did detract from the quality).

One question for Ms. Baker is how does the hedgehog evolve into Sandy Porter and then Bora?

Thanks for putting this up, Bora.

The hedgehog is supposed to be me. :-) Sandy Porter wrote a post about how scientists should get involved in science education. I left a comment to her post suggesting that scientists participate on student blogs. Then she wrote another post listing my blog. Bora picked it up from there and wrote a remark about how it would be cool to invite some students to the conference. I jumped at that opportunity and left a comment for Bora telling him that I definitely wanted to bring my students to the conference!

So, the point of the slide was to tell others that blogs are an incredibly easy way to have exciting opportunities for you and your students practically fall at your feet.

this is very impressive. I wish it worked as easily as that EVERYWHERE! This is still quite exciting and informative.