Clock Quotes

The dream begins, most of the time, with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you on to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth.

- Dan Rather

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Hello Coturix!

My name is Sarah and Iâm a health activist for WEGO Health. Recently weâve done some research on sleeping and I found your blog through a great Google search. I was particularly impressed by your highly active involvement in the online sleep community. Your information is well-rounded and seems to come from a non-biased source. It is because of this that Iâd like to feature you and your blog on the WEGO Health pages as a spotlight interview.

Would you be willing to answer some questions about your personal experiences with sleeping disturbances/disorders?

WEGO Healthâs mission is to help people find the best health information. To that end, we identify, rank and organize the best health content and make it easily accessible to everyone. Our mission is articulated well here:

Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon!


Well, if you read the About page, you will know I am not a sleep researcher. I studied circadian clocks in birds. I learned a little bit about sleep because of my blog readers. I am certainly not active in online sleep community in any way, and am not an expert in that field at all.