Diversity in Science Carnival #1 is amazing!

The very first, inaugural, and absolutely amazing edition of the Diversity in Science Carnival is now up on Urban Science Adventures. Wow! Just wow! Totally amazing stuff.

And what a reminder of my White privilege - a couple of names there are familiar to me, as I have read their papers before, never ever stopping to think who they were or how they looked like! What a wake-up call!

For instance, I have read several papers by Chana Akins, as she works on Japanese quail. And I am somewhat familiar (being a history buff and obsessive reader of literature in my and related fields) with the work of Charles Henry Turner, covered in this carnival not once but twice - both by Danielle Lee and by Ajuan Mance!

It also did not escape my notice that several of the posts are eligible for the next editions of Scientiae and The Giant's Shoulders - double your readership by submitting those posts there as well!

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