Tweetlinks, 10-09-09

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Are you asleep? Exploring the mind's twilight zone - 'How do you know you're not sleeping right now?'

50 Useful iPhone Apps for Science Students & Teachers

OA Week at the University of Belgrade in Serbia

Let's have the ScienceOnline2010 program finalized in ten days

Science class at SI Academy gets worldwide play (with Miss Baker)

The 'WiFi At Conferences' Problem

Uses of Nobel Causes: the case for Obama

- RT @ezraklein Obama also awarded Nobel prize in chemistry. "He's just got great chemistry," says Nobel Committee.
- That was the Nobel for medicine, for the organic garden in the White House and hot they try to heal the world.
- Nobel Peace Prize to Obama is really to the American people for getting out of Dark Ages and voting for him. Europe saw the light again.
- Peace prize is an encouragement real work is still to come and World has Obama's back.
- GOP, treated as legitimate in the USA, was unfathomable to Europeans. They had a deep sigh of relief on Nov.4th. Nobel is a "thank you" note
- Peace Prize, unlike the others, is for Effort. Alfred wrote the strange instructions at a different age in history.
- I also think it's premature - I am just trying to explain the European mindset/reasoning that led to it, to the Americans.
- Nobel Peace prize is limited to the surface of the Earth. Sending NASA to bomb the Moon does not count.

RT @ccziv Anybody going to American Society for Bioethics and Humanities conf next week in DC?

Genital mimicry, social erections and spotted hyenas

100 Must-Read Blog Posts on the Future of Learning

Is this science journalism?!?!

Education Needs to Be Turned on Its Head - wise philosopher said: best for your kids--stay out of the way.

RT @NESCent The 1st wave of blog entries are coming in! Add yours to the list to win $750 for ScienceOnline2010 #scio10

Bug splatter on your car's windshield is a treasure trove of genomic biodiversity


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The education and future of learning links are from me (@ccziv). I might sue you, but that would be like suing myself -- definitely a lose-lose situation. ;)

By Catharine (not verified) on 10 Oct 2009 #permalink