CogDaily on facebook

Cognitive Daily now has a facebook profile.

I've never done facebook and I don't know how active this will be, but perhaps some of our readers are facebook users and this will be a way for you to connect with each other. There's also a ScienceBlogs fan club on facebook, so that's another way to get to know some of the people you may only currently recognize in comments threads here.

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It'd be more useful if it were a group.

Well, it's my understanding there's nothing stopping anyone who wants to set up a group. If you do, let me know and I'll post a link from here.

I agree that it would be much more useful as a group, but a current member of Facebook would need to be the admin of that group. Dave, do you have an account? Maybe you could just use the "Cognitive Daily" user account as the Cognitive Daily group admin.

Is this the equivalent of incorporating on the Internet? Back in my day*, Facebook was for people :)

*(last year)