Friday Fun: Twitter To Add "Elitist" Verification for Higher Ed Big Deals

I contacted Twitter earlier this week but unfortunately they have been unable to activate the Academic Big Deal "Elitist" Verification Status on my Twitter account.

Something about me being a "delusional status seeking famewhore megalomaniac." They also mentioned something about Klout, but I'm not sure what they meant by that.

Anyways, The Cronk News details this great new service from the fine folks at Twitter: Twitter To Add "Elitist" Verification for Higher Ed Big Deals.

Similar to its current "Verified" function, the Highed Elite feature will allow users to quickly identify whether they are talking to someone who is a "big deal" in higher education.


"I think it's a great idea," said second-year graduate student Samantha Wallace. "It makes it much easier for me to know who I should be sucking up to. Now I don't have to waste my time trying to interact with regular professionals."

Given this rule, "Submitting an educational session proposal [to a conference] on anything Twitter related will result in being tagged," I think I'm a slam-dunk for this wonderful industry recognition.

Social media, hey, it's all about being a delusional status seeking famewhore megalomaniac!


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