Twin Juvenile Pandas Wrestle

This is another irresistable panda video; I got this from href="">Neatorama,
who got it from href="">A
Welsh View

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Adorable! I saw it on Cute Overload. I'm not quite sure what DB means about their habitat though. Pandas are the most revered and protected of any animal in China (perhaps the only one actually). There is even the Wolong Panda Reserve which is one stop shopping for all manner of panda research, open to the public, as well as habitat conservation. Pandas numbers have increased due to their research. And as for their natural habitat, they live in the southwestern part of China, where not many people live (as I can attest). While nationwide pollution there is of concern for ALL species (and people) if China cares about one thing, it is making sure the panda thrives.

how old are these little guys? for four legs, they sure are uncoordinated and off balance. i think these baby pandas need to be breathalyzed.