It was twenty years ago today


Love you Carmen.


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Congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment. Best regards.

Nice! Congratulations to both of you. Many more, sir.


My sincere wishes for the both of you.

By John Cross (not verified) on 30 Aug 2005 #permalink

Congrats, for me it's 22. Looking at the picture you posted, you seem happier than her. Trust me, I got the better of the deal too.

Congratulations Tim! These days 20 years is an amazing accomplishment (I just past 11 years myself, but I'm aiming for your track record!). Many blessings and many more decades to both of you and your children.


Even though I'm a week late reading this, the 31st was my third anniversary so I can't resist. CONGRATULATIONS!

-- A Different Scott than Mr.Church