This looks like a job for Ben Domenech

One of the less pleasant parts of my job is talking to students that I have caught plagiarizing assignments. All too often, rather than admit to copying they will tell me clumsy lies and blame somebody else. Which brings us to Ben Domenech. Instead of admitting to his obvious plagiarism he claims that an editor repeatedly inserted plagiarized material into his pieces and that PJ O'Rourke personally gave him permission to copy his material. This isn't the best story he could come up with, since it was possible to check with his editor and O'Rourke who refuted his lies (Hat tip: Atrios). To be fair, he finally confessed his plagiarism, but he would only admit to "obfuscation" when what he wrote were straight-up lies.

Domenech has resigned from, but I've found a job that he may be suitable for:

The American Enterprise, a leading national magazine of politics, business, and culture (published by the American Enterprise Institute) is seeking an editor for our Washington, D.C. office.

Responsibilities include managing authors and commissioning articles, editing, and writing stories yourself, research, proofreading, and helping manage the magazine Web site ( The ideal candidate must exhibit three strengths: deep familiarity with contemporary politics and conservative ideas; strong literary and creative abilities; and proven management strengths (you must meet deadlines without fail, attend precisely to details, follow strict standards of quality, and exhibit high energy).

Qualified applicants should submit a resumé, salary history, and writing samples with their on-line application.

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Let's see: The job description calls for candidates who can "follow strict standards of quality," but I don't see any reference to "honesty." AEI should realize they can't assume that. Or maybe they realize it would make their writer's job too hard, given that their main purpose is to promote Bush administration policies -- and the truth doesn't support those.

What on earth makes you think that AEI need honesty and integrity? They'd cease to exist in a nanosecond if they ever required either.

Didn't you already apply for that job?