Potty peer pokes 'pedia

Looks like our favourite fabulist (or someone who writes and thinks exactly like him) is busy editing the Wikipedia page on Christopher Monckton. William Connolley (or "failed Green Party candidate in the pay of a convicted internet-gaming fraudster and money-launderer") has the details.


More like this

> Monckton was an unsuccessful candidate for a Conservative seat in the House of Lords in a March 2007 [...] Not being a Freemason, he received no votes in the election

The conspiracy theories get better and better. Maybe it's time to write a Climatatus! trilogy.

2 Barry,

Note that Lord Munchkin always folds when pressed. This incorrigible liar (or delusionist- how to tell?) is full of bluster and threats of legal action until his bluff is called.

Still, he's a star in the deniosphere, which tells us something. ;)

By TrueSceptic (not verified) on 13 Dec 2008 #permalink

"Not being a Freemason"

i'm going to find this phrase very useful in the future.