To Fox News they all look alike

Fox news is pathetic. When discussing footage of Congressman Jefferson, the crook with the 90k in his freezer, Fox news chose to show John Conyers.

Now could this be a simple mistake of showing the wrong footage? Or did are they really incapable of telling the difference between two black congressmen?

Honestly, they couldn't tell the difference between this guy
and this guy?

If I were a conspiracy theorist I'd say it's because the right-wing Fox news doesn't like Conyers investigating Republicans. Luckily I'm not, so I'll just settle for calling them ignorant morons.


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Hee. I'm British and both these men are unknown to me. I was able to guess straight away which one was the crook, however.

It's the flag, stupid.

This was mentioned on Tuesday night's 'The Daily Show'.