Woo at San Marcos

Just returned from an excellent trip to Guatemala, where I spent some of my time at Late Atitlan, near San Marcos. So, San Marcos is known as a hippie town, and I thought you'd love to see the various services offered at local businesses. They include (click for full size):

Past-Life Regression, "Introject," Soul Agreements...


Emotional stress release (hmmmmm)


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, for those of you who use this term frequently), and Neuro-Lymphatic Massage...



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All, I'm sorry for being AWOL on the Denialism Blog. I've just returned from a longish trip with Dr. Girlfriend to Guatemala, where we visited Guatemala City, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, and Tikal. I'll blog soon with some of the outrageous woo we encountered in San Marcos. But for now, enjoy the…
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The "soul agreements" or "soul contracts" nonsense drives me up the wall faster than almost any other brand of woo. On a personal level, I'm sick and tired of being told I chose to be relinquished for adoption.

Why did Holocaust victims choose their fate? For that matter, why did Hitler choose, pre-birth, and knowing what evil he would cause, to be Hitler? Cause I think I'd give that one a pass, no matter what my soul could learn from it.

Casa Amarilla offering:

Introject ... unconscious inclusion of other people's views and opinions

That's an unusually honest description of hypnotism, especially as used for past-life regression.

My first comment after 3 months of lurking! :D Hello there. Felt compelled to share this: an image of an ad for Chinese Quantum Method.

This flier for some vague Chinese Quantum Woo appeared on the billboard of the most respected university of Estonia in several copies last October, and they are still there, as far as I know. I would even be tempted to attend the meeting, which takes place in early February, just for the pure ROFL factor, but they expect me to pay $15 to listen to them promoting this super-duper method. That's the equivalent of 50 packs of Ramen! They expect students to prefer their Woo to such glory? Huh.

How do you have a "Saturday, December 17" registration when courses start "Sunday, December 16"? Have the woos revised calendars as well? ~~~~

By Adam Cuerden (not verified) on 01 Jan 2008 #permalink

How do you have a "Saturday, December 17" registration when courses start "Sunday, December 16"? Have the woos revised calendars as well?

no, you just have to have registered in 2005.

and Neuro-Lymphatic Massage...

Some of the others sounded kind of over the top but this one sounds good. Both are very fine physiological systems so if you could get them both massaged at the same time or get them to learn how to play even nicer together, sounds like a win-win!
Dave Briggs :~)

I find it very interesting that the first poster offers sessions in English, German, and French... but not Spanish. ;)