It burns! It burns!

Yes, I'm still migrating posts from the old blog, but don't worry, I'll run out eventually. --PalMD

So maybe homeopathy (the use of water to treat disease) isn't strong enough for you. Maybe isn't doesn't have that ne sais sizzle. I have the solution for you! Just add another oxygen molecule!

Water Pl+s!® is another miracle cure "they" don't want you to know about!

OK, I made that name up. Actually, it's just hydrogen peroxide (H2O2 to water's H2O). One of my residents clued me in to hydrogen peroxide woo. Apparently it's quite popular in altie circles. Like any good woo, there is apparently no condition that it can't treat. If you thought Gary Null had even a shred of credibility, have a look at this document on his website. No, he didn't write it, but it shows up in his "library", and not as a cautionary tale.

I am so amused by the first paragraph that I must re-print it in its entirety:

I must report on this promising therapy, as so many physicians and patients have given me good tidings from its use. What is probably not so well known by the general public, and many practicing physicians, is that hydrogen peroxide has been used for more than a century, the abstracts of articles published from 1966 through 1988 alone reaches 2" high when printed on 8-1/2"X11" paper.

"Good tidings"? That sounds like a religious term, not a scientific one. Who the hell cares about how big the pile of crap on this guy's desk is? This may actually call for a blow-by-blow analysis. Fire up the Dewooificator!

Is there anything this stuff can't do?

While H2O2 has been used to good advantage for hardening of the arteries, temporal arteritis, shingles, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the yeast syndrome, various viral infections, including AIDS, certain forms of cancer, dental gum diseases, colds (35% H2O2 in cold humidifier), growing better food, purifying water without chlorine complications, increasing thyroid activity, arthritis, depression, emphysema, lupus erythematosis, multiple sclerosis, . . ., a list of claims made would exceed our space limitations, and so I direct you to others for substantiation and research reports: The International Bio-Oxidative Foundation1 and ECHOS, as per references.

He forgot to talk about the sorrow of toe nail fungus.

I scoff at your extravagant claims! Oh, wait:

Before scoffing, keep in mind that one of the very first lines of defense against any and all microorganisms recognized as invaders by our immunological system are macrophages and leucocytes (sic), one of which uses hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the foreigners; and that vitamin C is effective principally by its ability to promote hydrogen peroxide use against foreign invaders, including parasites, viruses, bacteria, yeast/fungus, and that all body tissues contain catalase and that hydrogen peroxide in the presence of catalase is reduced to oxygen and water. So, there is strong reason to believe that added hydrogen peroxide, used properly, may be both effective against certain organisms and safe.

Finally, you mention the fungus!

Hydrogen peroxide is an essential metabolite, meaning that it is necessary to life's process, according to William Campbell Douglass, M.D. of Georgia. As we age, our immunological system weakens, which permits organisms of opportunity to spread, thereby breeding colonies of organisms whose presence is anathema to good health. Killing these organisms should permit at least temporary respite from microbial warfare, and give your system time to heal.

Will you trust me if I told you that none of that made sense? Anyway, I don't remember anything like that from medical school. Did I forget something?

There are also many important forgotten facts in the past medical literature. For example, William Campbell Douglass, M.D. reports on "Dr. Edward C. Rosenow, author of 450 published medical papers and associate at the Mayo Clinic for over 60 years . . . proved [more than] 70 years ago (1914) that bacteria could be found consistently in the lymph nodes that drain joints (J.A.M.A., April 11, 1914). He was probably the first scientist to postulate that H2O2 would help arthritis because of its ability to supply oxygen to oxygen-hating organisms causing arthritis (Streptococcus viridans)."

So, Gary Null says that the author says that Douglass says that Rosenow says...hmm...a game of woo-telephone. Oh, and I love citing a 90 year old article. Medical knowledge isn't quite that durable. Humors, blood-letting, etc...bad form these days.
One thing I can say about this particular brand of woo is that it is not expensive, only dangerous. Relying on an unproven treatment that has no reason to work is not a great idea, and ingesting a toxic substance is also a bad idea. But at least it's cheap.


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It's cheap, but very dangerous. There was a lawsuit covered by the local paper here when a guy sued the doctor who'd treated his late wife with intravenous hydrogen peroxide. I don't recall what the supposed indication was, but in any case, the lady died of an embolism. After all, we've probably all seen what happens when hydrogen peroxide and blood get together -- bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles. Not nice things to have in your veins.

I spent a long time removing blood stains from my carpet after my dog caught his paw on the step and ripped open his caudal pad. Poor guy kept worrying it (and was amazingly cunning at removing the various things I attached to stop him worrying it). So it would bleed, and he'd walk around, trailing flecks of blood. I used hydrogen peroxide to get the blood out of the carpet. Worked great, but after the first stain-removal session I learned to wear gloves. Even at 3% concentration, it's not very nice on the skin.

Why on Earth do people think this would be good stuff to put inside their bodies? How ignorant and unobservant *are* people, really?

By Calli Arcale (not verified) on 06 Oct 2008 #permalink

OK, somebody has to say it: in this, as in all research, it is vitally important to be careful with your Null hypothesis...

Anyone who has ever had 3% hydrogen peroxide put on an open wound would know that the stuff kills the living -- skin cells, blood cells, and bacteria.

I use it on a daily basis, along with 5% acetic acid, as a biocide to kill stuff clinging to my fresh fruits and vegetables. If it fizzes on contact with fruit, that means mold spores.

"the yeast syndrome"???? What on earth is that?

And in this case, the stupid, it LITERALLY burns. Have you ever gotten peroxide on a cut or (worse) in your eye?? Talk about burning stupid!

Hey, don't diss peroxide! It's really great stuff. We use it by the bucket for cleaning up biohazard messes when someone sprays "bodily fluids" all over the aid station.

After watching what it does to the relatively durable materials we have there, do you think I would put it anywhere near my tender internals? Are you freaking nuts?

By D. C. Sessions (not verified) on 06 Oct 2008 #permalink

Peroxide is great for removing cat urine odors, bloodstains and mold. But I sure would not put it inside my body.

Come on! It fizzes, so that means its really doing something. And it fizzes on contact wth *blood*! Wooo! It's magic! Alchemy!

Hmm. Maybe I could make some cash selling vinegar-and-baking-soda poltices to cleanse peoples chakra's. Been used for centuries, so you know it must work! After all, people hundreds of years ago never got sick or anything until western science and technology came along.

(PS: it will also grow hair on a billiard ball)

By Paul Murray (not verified) on 06 Oct 2008 #permalink

I use it on a daily basis, along with 5% acetic acid, as a biocide to kill stuff clinging to my fresh fruits and vegetables. If it fizzes on contact with fruit, that means mold spores.

That's a nice tip, I already use vinegar to do that but hadn't thought to use it with H2O2 before.

It is great stuff, I use it for bloodstains and first aid all the time. Injecting it though is absolutely insane. I remember splashing a higher concentration on my skin once in chem class (might have been 10%, I honestly don't remember but higher than the usual 3%) and even though I cleaned my arm off right away I had a huge white patch where the top few layers of skin had been killed.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 06 Oct 2008 #permalink

Yes, H2O2 is _really_ good in killing bacterial spores (which sometimes can happily survive boiling). It's one of the best agents for it - relatively harmless and cheap.

By Alex Besogonov (not verified) on 06 Oct 2008 #permalink

I used peroxide and epsom salts in the bathwater, it was suppose to be a remedy for the flu and external body cleanse. ( I work at a 5-Star resort, this was the information clients paid 5k a week to hear) I developed fibroid tumers instead, I would rather have had the flu.

By use2useit (not verified) on 07 Oct 2008 #permalink

As I was reading the article I began to wonder why you didn't warn us the stupid would burn, until I cam back here and realized it was in the title.

The person talks about not wanting to confuse us with "chemistry mumbo-jumbo", coming out of his mouth, that's exactly what it is.

An acceptable name is hydrogen dioxide. So? That's just trying to confuse the issue with semantics and naming conventions. It's a weak acid (and therefore create a weak base in equilibrium) and a strong oxidizer. It will not "oxygenate" bath water for very long because even if the oxygen liberates in an ideal fashion, the solubility of hot or warm liquids is not ideal. This is even assuming the oxygen somehow does something for you.

Amusing, I hardly know what articles on internet which is right or not-- if it is not connected to my professionalism.

btw, I'm trying to find fact and fiction about bloodletting. Any reference?

I mix 10 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in one litre of water. I drink one to two of these per day. It slowly oxidizes pathogens,organic compounds and kills parasites. Have been doing so for about a year and am in very good health. You don't drink it straight or inject it IV or anything stupid like that. Large doses of vitamin C break down into h202 and have been shown in credible medical research to inhibit tumor growth.

By khorowitz (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

Bloodletting is not quite as dumb as the modern medical profession makes it out to be. Ever wondered why women on average live so much longer than men? It's because of their ability to menstruate, which is essentially regular bloodletting.

Ask any women you know at which time during her cycle she feels best. They will all tell you that it's just after their period finished.

The theory behind this is that bloodletting removes free iron from the blood.

Note, that I said FREE iron. Free iron, as opposed to iron bound to hemoglobin, is one of the strongest free radicals, and one of the main factors in aging.

The problem with bloodletting is that it should never be done on children, lactating or menstruating women, anemic patients or anyone else at risk of iron deficiency.

Nor should it be done in excess, just very small amounts. After all it does not just remove excess iron but useful substances, too. And these need to be well and truly replenished before the next bloodletting.

Of course it's dangerous, even deadly if used wrongly, but so are a lot of other therapies.

A lot of people cite G. Washington's death from bloodletting. But then, according to contemporary sources he was bled of nearly 50% of his total blood volume in 24 hours. No wonder he died from it. This is proof of the stupidity of his physician, not of the inefficiency of bloodletting.

It is unfortunately that so many medical professionals are too arrogant to consider useful remedies just because they're either ancient or not patentable, or have been inefficient when applied wrongly.

Wow! Let me ask my wife, who is currently at that part of her cycle, when she feels best! I'll be right back!!

Oh. My. God. You owe me a new pair of glasses. I didn't know she could throw a shoe that fast.


By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 09 Nov 2008 #permalink

This topic is getting rather primitive. Blood Letting? To all of you who knock H202 therapy by saying it bubbles, burns or boils. Of course it does at high concentrations. Even Saline Solutions are at less than 1%. Try using a 30% Saline solution. Try doubling up on your chemo medication and see what that does to you. Or what about Nitroglycerin, the highly unstable explosive, is used by the medical profession for controlling blood pressure. Go figure? If you would like to read more go to: or….
For the book, "The One Minute Cure" go to
I have found great relief, energy, clearness of thought, sleep, a sense of well being after having suffered from what I thought was Burn-out but was later diagnosed as Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or yuppie flu.
Good Health to all

Hydrogen peroxide, taken internally, is toxic. Read a chemistry book, for pete's sake.

How does this differ from chemotherapy? Both are taking toxic substances in the hope that you can kill the tumor before you kill the patient.

Amateur chemo... what a *great* idea!


By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 29 Mar 2009 #permalink

Dear LanceR
Your question; "How does this differ from chemotherapy?"
Just shows that you're the IDIOT. If you bothered to research the topic you would know the difference. Too much of anything can be toxic. Do you even know what H2O2 is, Mr chemistry professor? Read the links above and un-idiot yourself. Perhaps then you would also grow-up a little and not resort to name calling in order to discredit a treatment that has won one of its advocates a noble prize for medicine and that has been used to treat thousands.
Unless of course you work for the pharmaceutical industry, in which case your miss-informed bias is just par for the course.
Kind regards

Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is toxic when taken internally. Do you dispute this?

Chemotherapy is (generally) dosing a patient with toxic substances in the attempt to kill the tumor before the patient. Do you dispute this?

So where, in all this, *is* the difference?

Hydrogen peroxide is a good disinfectant and wound cleaner. It is *not* to be taken internally.


By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 06 Apr 2009 #permalink

This blog is obviously written by shills and dis-info agents, or people who cling so desperately to their conventional views, that they fail to recognize that adverse reactions to conventional medicine is the fourth leading cause of preventable death. I think Med students are the Pharmaceutical Companies little lap dogs, who get incentives for pushing the latest statin drug or anti-depressant... It is group think, brainwashing. Hey maybe the Western World's doctors offices wouldn't be so overcrowded all the time, if Doctors actually made people better, they wouldn't need to come back all the time, but that's bad for business. Actually, even in conventional medicine, Hydrogen Peroxide has not been recommended for topical use since about 1996. It was only about 50 years ago that most people did not trust doctors, they had their babies at home, and trusted natural remedies, I think Holisitc medicine will be the next paradigm shift, people will see the results despite the conventional doctors telling them not to go... Too bad we don't have a free market, because if that were the case, it would pay more to study holistic medicine, and the Pharma companies and behemoth power structures would be forced to adapt... Damn the lobbyists. Either way I have used Hydrogen Peroxide for almost 3 months, I was diagnosed with the HPV virus, several strains of it... and I recently returned from getting follow up blood work, and to everyone's surprise... I am free from the virus, So when you can show me what pill or radiation spray can do that in 3 months, maybe I'll listen to the propaganda... No matter how many Medical Journals the Pharmaceutical companies pay to have written... the proof is in the cure... and to conventional medicine, CURE is a four letter word, you keep people suffering with "treatment" but I am getting on with my life, Virus-free...

Ummm. White bloods cells (Peroxisomes) produce hydrogen peroxide to fight viruses and bacteria withen your system. It is how our bodies naturally fight infections. I can't speak for H202 through an IV. I can say that anytime I feel like I am coming down with a cold, I put a couple 3%drops in each ear for a few minutes and let it bubble and then clear it out with a qtip or shake my head, and 100% of the time it knocks out whatever I have and everybody else(skeptics) have to deal with the duration of the cold. Sometimes I'll put more drops in 4 or 5 hours later for good measure. Been doing it for 8 years and haven't had a cold last over a day yet except once on a work trip where I didn't have a bottle. Hospitals now use h2o2 humidifiers to kill staph infections among other things that disenfectants miss so it must not be that dangerous to breath at diluted levels. Honestly it actually pisses me off that everyone doesn't know about the cold cure because it works so good. To bad I can't patent it.