Woohoo, Dispatches Makes the Cut

Jason Kuznicki, the Grand Poobah of Positive Liberty, has decided to shorten his blogroll for the sake of aesthetics and intellectual clarity, and went through a difficult culling process (described here) that presumably involved goat entrails and a ouija board. I'm proud to announce that Dispatches from the Culture Wars made the cut. Contrary to the current rumors going around, I did not have to promise him either my copy of the Kathy Lee Gifford Christmas Album or my signed Jim and Tammy Bakker PTL Club Partner Bible.

P.S. As a fun side game, guess which of those two items I really do own.


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LOL. And it's true. I actually do own a signed Jim and Tammy Bakker bible. It was a gift from my stepmother when I was 16. I actually do rather prize this possession.