Katrina and the Wingnuts

I'm still not ready to return to full time posting, since I'm still buried in boxes to unpack and beginning the smoking of ribs for tomorrow, but I wanted to note a few posts about the response of certain nutballs to the hurricane and aftermath that people have sent me. I'm sure by now we've all heard about the loony group Repent America, who are claiming that God sent the hurricane to destroy Nawlins because of gays:

Just days before "Southern Decadence", an annual homosexual celebration attracting tens of thousands of people to the French Quarters section of New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina destroys the city...

"Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge," he continued.

This led Jody Wheeler of NakedWriting fame to realize that he and his gay cohorts had far more power than he ever imagined they had - the power to change the weather through the sheer power of having sex. He is proposing that this power be put to good use in creating a Sodomongic Gamoragaganza:

I thought an unfortunate confluence of atmospheric events caused hurricanes, but apparently it's common knowledge by many people, Mr. Marcavage and Rev. Pat Robertson included, that butt bouncing and bumping causes the heavens to unload their wet wrath on both the land and the seas.

I was a little offended by this, thinking that once again another nut job, with far too much time on his hands, delusions of grandeur, and poor fashion sense was scoring media face-time off the pain and suffering of the poor.

But then I pondered deeply the power that me and my brethren held deep in our... well you know where.. and decided in a flash to embrace stone age logic. For if several hundred thousand humpin' homos can level a city, what might a few hundred do to a hate spewing organization?

Jody is proposing that groups of gay men conjugate and copulate wherever Repent America's leaders happen to be, causing nasty storms to follow them around. Or to put it to use for national security purposes and send them along to send bad weather to wherever Osama Bin Laden is. Personally, I think the military should make good use of this discovery, replace the "don't ask, don't tell" rule with an "orgy for Uncle Sam" rule and send in groups of sodomizing soldiers in humvees to wherever the insurgents are hiding. After all, Allah seems every bit as anti-gay as Repent America's god is.

Andy at the WorldWideRant picked up on Billy Graham's son, Franklin, saying that God sent the hurricane because we "took God out of the schools." His response is a tad edgy, but difficult to argue with:

Franklin Graham, you hateful spooge stain on the mattress of humanity, go f*ck yourself. Maybe if your all-loving and all-powerful God had gotten around to, oh, maybe answering some prayers from the good people of New Orleans, we wouldn't be seeing this disaster unfold.

And finally, this blog which I'd never heard of has posted an email from an anti-abortion group claiming that there was a sign from God in the hurricane because a certain satellite image looked like a fetus. No, I'm not making that up. Once again we have proven Einstein's adage correct that the two most common substances in the universe are hydrogen and human stupidity.

More like this

More accurately, Graham blamed the crime and violence in the aftermath on taking God out of the schools. Not quite as bad as blaming the hurricane on it, but still an asinine thing to say (especially since hundreds of thousands of others, educated in those same schools, behaved themselves).

Well, this explains everything.

The hurricane was caused by gay men who get abortions.

Once we've put a stop to this vicious scourge, nothing like this will ever happen again.

Darn those aborting homo-guys. Darn them all to heck.

Well, now we know how "intelligent design" will affect scientific reasoning: "Why a hurricane would destroy this particular city is too complex for me to understand, therefore, using the doctrine of irreducable complexity, the whole storm system thingie must have been designed by Go--by a Designer--to kill whoever we hate most today."

Another question: why do these "god-given" punishments always hit poor people the hardest? Aren't there any rich sinners God can kill? Or is God not able to get past their security?

The only surprise is that Pat Robertson didn't get there first.

But, surely, you would think that God could invent a more selective way of targeting the specific evildoers rather than just slamming the whole general area.

Or maybe he's just not that good..

By Ian Gibson (not verified) on 03 Sep 2005 #permalink

PS to Franklin Graham: You're disgracing your father's name!

You are absolutely correct. My mother used to watch the Billy Graham Crusades when they were broadcast on TV in the 1960s. I didn't pay a lot of attention to them, but, when I did, I got the feeling that they were about love and hope. They had an uplifting message. From what I have seen of Franklin, it is all about hate and discord. He is a pale shadow of his father.

Ian said -

The only surprise is that Pat Robertson didn't get there first.

Maybe Pat didn't want to risk a rather privledged place. Check out FEMA's list of recommended organizations to send donations on their official website.


What's that organization third down the list? Operation Blessing, a Pat Robertson production.

Um, I just discovered this. Unfortunately it's in German, but, if anyone wants to look at it.

The Sueddeutscher Zeitung (Munich DE) has a filmstrip of pictures out of New Orleans. The commentary is in German, but the impact is not

Starts at http://www.sueddeutsche.de/,tt1l3/panorama...e/530/59471/p0/

Easily navigated even by non-German speakers.

Hint: Nachstes Bild is Next Picture. Vorheriges Bild is Previous Picture. Those are the primary clues.

If you have a strong stomach, hold your noses and check out this site: http://www.godhatesfags.com/main/index.html They used to have a feature - Thank God for IEDs - where they gloated over the deaths of our soldiers in Iraq, claiming it was God's punishment for allowing homosexuals to live (as opposed to killing them) in this country. They took it down, but I have a couple of the entries in PDF files. I'm afraid that unlike the Landover Baptist Church, http://www.landoverbaptist.org/ thus site is no joke.

Red Mann at September 3, 2005 09:28 PM

Two points:

First, the godhatesfags web site is run by the operation known as the "Westboro Baptist Church" (the notorious Phelps gang).

Second, it is interesting to note the principals of the Landover Baptist Church site and its sister site BettyBowers.com. The principal of the Landover site is the Rev. Hardwick. The principal of the Betty Bowers site is, obviously, Bowers. The names were chosen to recall the absolutely stupid US Supreme Court decision of Bowers vs. Hardwick. And, no, I am not joking.

BTW, heads up. Rehnquist is dead. It will be interesting to see who Bush nominates as Chief Justice.

Took god long enough to figure out about about this 30 year old festival, didn't it?

Funny how the gayest parts of New Orleans, i.e., the French Quarter and the Garden District, are the least damaged by Katrina.

So God is angry, and who does he smite? He smites Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and the pan-handle of Florida, which between them make up some of the most fundified areas of the country.

I think we know who's endangering America. It's really unfair to the gays and the poor black people that white fundamentalist Christians are encuring God's wrath like this.