Here's Chutzpah For You

Tom DeLay spoke at a conference on "The war on Christians" in Washington on Tuesday and religious right leader Rick Scarborough had apparently ingested some sort of hallucinogenic substance prior to speaking about him:

"This is a man, I believe, God has appointed ... to represent righteousness in government," Scarborough told the audience, which included Eagle Forum Founder Phyllis Schlafly, former ambassador Alan Keyes, and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan.

Well, sure. Because a God-appointed ambassador for righteousness would certainly be admonished multiple times by the House ethics committee, one that was controlled by his own party. And Alan Keyes would know a thing or two about "righteousness in government". After all, he's the one who said that he opposed Hillary Clinton carpetbagging in New York "as a matter of principle" and that he "deeply resented" the "destruction of federalism" that it represented. Of course, that was before he carpetbagged into Illinois to get his butt kicked by a 3-1 margin in the 2004 Senate race there. I guess principles don't cross state lines.

But Scarborough isn't done yet:

Scarborough said DeLay had been "nearly destroyed in the press," and he made a vague pitch for the conference participants to support DeLay in his general election race in November. DeLay should not worry about it, however, he said: "God always does his best work after a crucifixion."

Tom DeLay. Jesus Christ. I mean, who can tell them apart other than their mommas? I think we need some new junk bracelets that say "What would Tom DeLay do?"


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I was going to suggest the catchier "What Would Tom Do?", but it might cause confusion with Tom Cruise, someone even more out-there, if that's possible.

WWTD? Lie, cheat, steal, misrepresent, lie some more, and soon, if there was any justice regarding people that willfully betray the public trust, meet a new "friend" called Bubba who will demonstrate What I Do To Tom In Jail!

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 29 Mar 2006 #permalink

Did you see this bit from Tuesday?

"Our faith has always been in direct conflict with the values of the world," DeLay said. "We are, after all, a society that provides abortion on demand, has killed millions of innocent children, degrades the institution of marriage, and all but treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition."

Treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition ... that's just beautiful.

Yeah, that's right! Christianity is not a second-rate superstition (can you see this coming?), it's a first-rate superstitition!

I'm not sure why so many christians have a martyr complex when they are pretty much running things in most parts of the country. Maybe it's because of that pesky Constitution, keeping them from establishing a great little American taliban all of their own.

By Mark Paris (not verified) on 29 Mar 2006 #permalink

And did you note that four hundred, (that's 400!) people are attending the conference? I tell ya a truly mass movement is at hand.

Ed, For more Chutzpah (or whatever the Scicilian translation of that would be), have you been studying the Scalia controversy? Re: the gesture. Seems our pal, the great strict constructionist was caught making an obscene gesture (and utterance) after mass in Boston. Caught on camera, wrote a letter to the Boston Herald denying it, picture published-- BUSTED!

I cannot understand why the religious right backs such profane persons: W,"the bird" Bush; Dick, "F-bomb" Cheney; and now Anton, "V is ~not~ for Victory, Scalia; on-and-on.
(source: Americablog, referencing the Herald)

SharonB wrote:

Ed, For more Chutzpah (or whatever the Scicilian translation of that would be), have you been studying the Scalia controversy? Re: the gesture. Seems our pal, the great strict constructionist was caught making an obscene gesture (and utterance) after mass in Boston. Caught on camera, wrote a letter to the Boston Herald denying it, picture published-- BUSTED!

I guess I don't get what is controversial. He never denied making that particular gesture, he denies that it is obscene. Personally, this is the sort of thing I just can't care much about. It's even more pointless to me than people freaking out about Janet Jackson's tit.