Judge Neff Responds to Brownback

I wrote a couple weeks ago about Sen. Sam Brownback holding up the nomination of a judge from West Michigan because she once attended a commitment ceremony for two lesbians. That judge, Janet Neff, has replied to Brownback's questions about the event but he still won't release the hold on her nomination.

"The ceremony, which was entirely private, took place in Massachusetts, where I had no authority to act in any official capacity and where, in any event, the ceremony had no legal effect," Neff wrote.

She said her family had lived next door to one of the women, Mary Curtin, for more than two decades and considers Curtin part of the extended family.

"When Mary and her partner, Karen Adelman, asked me to participate in their commitment ceremony by delivering a homily, it was not different from being asked by my own daughters to be part of an important event in their lives," Neff wrote.

I wish she had added, "And this is none of your goddamned business." Remember, this is the same Sen. Brownback who raged holy hell at the Democrats for holding up Bush's judicial nominees.

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Remember, this is the same Sen. Brownback who raged holy hell at the Democrats for holding up Bush's judicial nominees.

Yes, but he is doing God's work, so he doesn't need a justification for being an hypocritical asshat.

Perhaps the greatest putdown I've ever seen involved the line, "That guy could ruin lezbo porn." And here Sam goes and takes it literally.

"...in any event, the ceremony had no legal effect," Neff wrote.

Um... Did Neff come to the same Massachusetts I live in? If so, when? Because such a ceremony definitely HAS legal effect here, as she'd probably know if she actually reads those legal journals.

By jay denari (not verified) on 28 Oct 2006 #permalink

The ceremony was before gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts. Which makes Brownback throwing a fit over it doubly idiotic.