Asylum Street Spankers in Iraq

The Asylum Street Spankers are a very unusual band from Austin, Texas that I first heard of many years ago from my friend Gretchen. Another friend from Austin copied me a bunch of their stuff a few years ago and I really liked it. And now they're taking on the Iraq War and the pointless little shows of pseudo-patriotism that always accompany wars in this country. Click here to watch the video of "Stick Magnetic Ribbons on Your SUV". And click here to see an inspired live performance of Hick Hop. And here's a classic clip called Winning the War on Drugs.

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I didn't pay $1.93 for my magnetic ribbon. Found mine in the closeout bin at Wal*Mart for .50 cents. Really.

The video is funny, but trivializes that we've paid something $300B on the war. Since I think of that $300B as partly mine, I think I've contributed directly to the kevlar and humvee armor in addition to my .50c mag ribbon. And I've contributed to the private education of KBR offspring so that they'll never personally experience a battlefield as long as we are blessed with an abundance of trailer parks dotting America. They'll experience it in video games and on TV of course.

But for my money I got a great looking pin a few months back, so as far as I'm concerned it was money well spent. It's the most expensive piece of jewelry I got in the house and it came from the government; in addition to armaments, now they're in the jewelry business too for all of youse out there that doubt the government can help build wealth.

This is wonderful. Thanks for introducing me to such a twisted, hilarious group as the Ayslum Street Spankers. Now I can look forward to listening to more of their stuff. Years ago this country had a wealth of political satire and lord knows the current administration deserves every jibe it gets. That's Mel Brooks' advice: don't portray the goons seriously, mock them and laugh at them just as hard as you can. He was referring to the nazis but it works just as well for Bush and his cronies.

My first winning ESPN Fantasy Basketball team six years ago was called "The Asylum Street Spankers" in honor of this band. Austin means great barbecue and live music, I feel lucky to live here. I got strange comments from the other guys in the league, but they weren't laughing for long after a vigorous "Spanking" by my team of fantasy pampered millionaires.

Glad to have you on board with another great Texas tradition, Ed!

I saw the video of "Stick a Yellow Ribbon on Your SUV" on James Allen's blog. One of the best things I've seen in a long time!

Ha! Thanks for posting that, Ed...the word definitely needs to get around. Haven't gotten to see the Spankers in a while, unfortunately-- hopefully once they make it really big I might still get the occasional interim kiss on the cheek from Wammo.