Great headlines in Flu-dom

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Skeptics warn bird flu fears are overblown Doomsday predictions about bird flu seem to be spreading faster than the virus itself. But a small group of skeptics say the bird flu hype is overblown and ultimately harmful to the public's health. There's no guarantee bird flu will become a pandemic, and…
One of the thing we need to pay attention to during TEH SWINEY FLOO! is the role of bacterial infections in flu-related mortality: a fair number of the deaths ultimately could result from a secondary bacterial infection by organisms like Staphylococcus (including MRSA), Streptococcus, and some of…
It is becoming conventional wisdom that the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was not as severe as a bad seasonal flu year. That might be true, although I don't find it much comfort because a bad seasonal flu year is no less bad for being more familiar. But I am not yet willing to assent to the conventional…
summary of the issues and stakes in the current 'flu outbreak from a more theoretical physics perspective... Three years ago I did a Back of the Envelope Assessment for Bird 'flu: "...So, why worry? As always, because of the low probability, high risk scenario. Taken at face value, there is a ~ 1…

Heh, I was just thinking the same thing, Melanie.

By Attack Rate (not verified) on 17 Mar 2007 #permalink

"the death toll could be between 10,200 and 63,700."

Well they certainly have the number nailed down, don't they?