Steve #75

Steven Chu is going to be nominated for Obamas Secretary of Energy.

He is Steve #75.

*breathes a little easier*


More like this

A promoter of the evolander meme as secretary of energy?

Oh my.

I suppose I have to work more quickly on my grant request for funding of new windmill designs using genetic algorthims.

Hopefully Mr. Chu will engage in real science and not resort to eco-terrorist scare tactics a la the inventor of the interbutts, Al Gore.

Al Gore is a terrorist? I had no idea.


I suppose I have to work more quickly on my grant request for funding of new windmill designs using genetic algorthims.

Unclear on the concept. Srsly. Reality FAIL!

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 11 Dec 2008 #permalink

Well, a return to core teaching of science can only mean a better education system all around.

Not to mention, the inverse correlation between education and fundamentalism.

I'd be nice to see a decline in fundamentalism, wouldn't it?

By Bob of QF (not verified) on 11 Dec 2008 #permalink


By William Wallace (not verified) on 11 Dec 2008 #permalink

I'm glad Obama seems to have some respect for science. That's a pretty marked difference between this and the previous 41 administrations.

From Pharyngula:

"William Wallace: Extremely tiresome whiner. Insisted on telling me over and over again about the actual events that transpired at the screening of Expelled, never mind that I was there and he was not. Also banned at the Panda's Thumb."

So, Wallace, what you're saying by your EMPHATIC POST is that in addition to the tiresome whining, you're also a homophobic screech? I have gay friends who are more man than you'll ever be. Actually, I also have a 2-year-old nephew who is ALSO more of a man than you'll ever be, because he doesn't have a mean bone in his body.

I ran over here as soon as I heard the Chu nomination... I seem to remember SOME people in the comments here had snideness and derision to launch at the science debates, or at the demands from scientists that the politicians listen.

Obama listened.

It wouldn't be fair of me to say that you are Al Gore's meat puppet because you share his political ideology on climate change. In fact, I don't even know where you stand, but that's of no matter. Now, it's not fair or funny for you to accuse me of being WW's boy-toy, merely because I'm not on the man-made Global Warming bandwagon. Now if you wanted to be witty, I'd suggest poking at WW's homophobia by suggesting that we were in bed together on global warming.

"He hates freedom and cheap, ubiquitous energy."

while it is unfair to accuse you of gay love with Wally (seriously, does anyone anywhere love that loser?), the above statement of yours is dumb enough to deserve its own special scorn.

Seriously? Hates freedom?

Jimmy boy,

When you say shit that's as mind-blowingly stupid as your comment above it's entirely fair to lump you in with Wally, and you're in no position to complain.

You're best not calling me your boy, unless we are really friends or you're slave owner.

*sigh* humor beyond dick and fart jokes are lost here

I'll bring lolcats to the party next time.

Ah, the "I was just kidding and you aren't smart enough to understand my jokes" defense.

A classic.


I wasn't calling you my boy; that was obvious in my comment #6. Well, to everyone but you, apparently... your level of reading comprehension makes the level of humor directed at you the only appropriate one.

Wally is the best argument in favor of installing killfile. He seriously is clueless to a previously unknown level.

Not only in a shopping mall, but a shopping mall screening where just sending your name in got you on the list.

Yep, because, to an illogical evolander, it is impossible to have a private function in a public place.

I am beggining to understand why so many of you dolts believe in the evolander meme.

I will repeat, for the intellectual impaired:

"Not only in a shopping mall, but a shopping mall screening where just sending your name in got you on the list."

If you open up attendance to anyone who signs up, by definition it is no longer a private function. Only people who signed up and were on the list tried to get in, so all the requirements for attendance were met.

You really are stunningly stupid, you know?

Ok, someone's hacked into William's account or something; not even the real William is that stupid, or vulgar from what I've seen of him previously.

Wally the lying, child-raping, America-hating shithead said -


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

It's OK guys, Willy just can't handle anything outside of being an idiot, so this is his way of contributing to society. How else are we going to know what stupid looks like?

By Shirakawasuna (not verified) on 13 Dec 2008 #permalink

Oh, and on-topic comment: Thank his Noodliness that reasonable people are being appointed. I hope Steve #75 will do well with administration, as he certainly has all the other qualifications I would require down pat.

By Shirakawasuna (not verified) on 13 Dec 2008 #permalink

Francis Collins just delivered the keynote address at this year's ASCB meeting. For those who don't know, he's on Obama's transition team, and he said that even in spite of the economic crisis, Obama has remained interested and engaged in scientific issues, and Collins is fully confident that science funding will finally see an upswing in 2009.

I have to admit that, with all the fuckwitted conservative politicians and pundits calling for spending cuts in a recession this severe (read some Keynes, you fucking dullards!), I was afraid Obama might succumb. I'm glad, and now confident, that this is not the case.

(Yes it was irrational, I mean why would Obama listen to the flatheads who got us into this mess?, but I am a worrywart by nature)

By minimalist (not verified) on 13 Dec 2008 #permalink

Wally, what you "know" would not only not fill a thimble, it would probably invert spacetime to such an extent that it would add an ocean's worth of empty volume.

PS, you might be more successful at "trolling" if it wasn't indistinguishable from your normal, utter clot-headed stupidity.

By minimalist (not verified) on 15 Dec 2008 #permalink

we all know they wouldn't fair so well in the free market.

Evidence? Didn't think so.
Logic? Not that either.
Chance to make vague "libruls are bad" insult? Yeah. That's it.

Clue: There is no such thing as a "free market". It doesn't exist, and arguably cannot exist in reality.

Just another conservo-bot Liar for Jebus.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 15 Dec 2008 #permalink

Yes, because simply claiming that a thing is so makes the thing so.

Obviously, Limp Willy has deep-seated feelings of inferiority and must claim victory in every part of his life. Perhaps if he could just be right once then Mommy will love him.


By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 15 Dec 2008 #permalink

Being a Liar for Jebus(tm)? Fail.
Quoting Michael Savage? EPIC FAIL!

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 15 Dec 2008 #permalink

What is it with evolanders and their fascination with pedophilia?

Incidentally, it is the evolander's hero, Richard Dawkins, who spent an amount of time in "the G*d Delusion" with apologetics for pedophilia, while admitting that he was "embarrassingly" molested as a child. Yet he argues that referring to a child as a "Lutheran child" is worse than molesting a child, as it has longer lasting effects. Richard Dawkins who dismisses the murder of unborn children on the grounds that they do not have a highly developed nervous system, and probably cannot feel pain, while bemoaning the murder of an abortionist on the grounds of the pain the abortionists friends and family felt at having lost their beloved abortionist.

Some hero.

Where would the atheist be without Richard Dawkins?

While reading your hero's "full frontal attack" on religion (how many of you would read a book by Ann Coulter, by the way) I keep thinking, which of his arguments are sound? I cannot find any, other than one cleverly presented argument against God using the Intelligent Design principle of irreducible complexity (i.e., God is complex, and presumably irreducibly so), and the difficulty of Jephthah's vow to sacrifice his daughter as a burnt offering, and his follow through, as described in Judges 11.

Every one of his other arguments are mental masturbations that are in fact two-edged swords that cut down equally well the theories of chance worshiping evolanders who believe that patterns are proof of common descent.

Hint: your highly sophisticated pattern recognition software has lead you astray.

But Richard Dawkins is no fool. He says "God probably does not exist."

But his followers, here, don't bother with the silly arguments, and name call instead.

So, in closing, I'd comment on your arguments, but they aren't arguments.

Be thankful that the evolander scientists will get 8 years of unrestricted rights to experiment on embryos.

Strangefrom Eugenie Scott, to Richard Dawkins, to Stephen Chuthey all have a Berkeley connection. Berkeley, the hot bed of communist evolander thought. With Stephen Chu, I expect an acceleration in the creation of artificial markets through government fiat designed to reduce the standard of living of the citizens of the United States, ratification of treaties that handicap our progress, and, through the same ineptitude found in great communist Chairman Mao, earnest but foolish policies that reduced energy output, a cull of the herd (vaccine-speak for people), and otherwise bring about a sustainable hell in which rationing and the politics of partiality becomes the norm.

Don't bother.

"Blah, blah, blah, innuendo. Blah blah blah lie. Blah blah blah I'm so much smarter than you that I don't have to demonstrate it. Blah blah blah."

Oh, and atheists would still be atheists without Dawkins. I was atheist years before I ever heard of Dawkins. This is what fundamentalists can never understand: there is no cult of personality here. We stand on our own reason.

Otherwise we'd still be Liars for Jebus.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 15 Dec 2008 #permalink

quoth Wally -
"I can no longer stand by while Communist insurrection, Communist infiltration, and the International Communist Conspiracy sap and impurify all our precious bodily fluids!!"

*smack smack smack*

I'm unclear on this "Man-made global warming bandwagon" concept. Does that include everyone who (i) knows that we burn a lot of fossil carbon and (ii) knows that CO2 is transparent to visible light but scatters infra-red?

Like, informed people?

By Stephen Wells (not verified) on 16 Dec 2008 #permalink

Sometimes, you just gotta wonder if Wally is deliberately parodying himself.

Berkeley, the hot bed of communist evolander thought.

Don't forget, it's also the secret base of the Illuminati!!!!

With Stephen Chu, I expect an acceleration in the creation of artificial markets through government fiat designed to reduce the standard of living of the citizens of the United States, ratification of treaties that handicap our progress, and, through the same ineptitude found in great communist Chairman Mao, earnest but foolish policies that reduced energy output, a cull of the herd (vaccine-speak for people), and otherwise bring about a sustainable hell in which rationing and the politics of partiality becomes the norm.

And then all the people shall be processed as food for our Martian Overlords. All hail the hunger of the Martian Overlords!

What a brainless fuckwit.

Those who study history are condemned to watch it repeat itself.

Yes. Just like watching rethuglican/libertard policies drive the economy straight into the ground. Just like the Republican Great Depression.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Actually, when you look at it, Democratic presidents are good for the economy. If we would quit crying about oil going away, we could get a sustainable energy network in place before a crisis occurs, and create thousands of good jobs, boosting the economy well beyond oil's limited impact. Of course, then Limp Willy couldn't whine about that which he does not understand.

Crack a book, Willy. You really need to work on that ignorance.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 16 Dec 2008 #permalink

Berkeley, the hot bed of communist evolander thought.

Sounds like I picked the right place to spend Christmas. Any room in that hot bed, comrades?

Any room in that hot bed, comrades?

For a fellow traveler in the Great Darwinist Evolander Conspiracy Of Communist Doom Against Christmas, certainly! Any particular requests? Are you a top, a bottom, or a switch?

And what the *hell* is an "evolander" anyway? I did a quickie search, and found a car. Is this some delusion only found in Limp Willy's fevered imagination?

I mean, I know what he's *trying* to say, but where did it come from? What led to it's creation? What demented soul first used it? Anyone know anything about it?

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 16 Dec 2008 #permalink

And what the *hell* is an "evolander" anyway?

I first heard use the term a couple of years ago; I don't recall if it was from him but if not he certainly picked it up fast. It showed up in comments on Uncommon Descent and from creotard trolls at After the Bar Closes. Wally the lying, child-raping, America-hating shithead certainly flings the word around like he's bragging about it, so maybe it's original with him... I suspect it's a play on the term "flatlander", but don't know for certain. Perhaps Wally could enlighten us. That is, after he finishes wiping himself up after the "hot bed" exchanges above took their inevitable toll on his barely-repressed id.

Any particular requests? Are you a top, a bottom, or a switch?

Oh, anything goes, as long as it involves taking a switch to Willy-Wally. Let's make him our gimp.

Oh, anything goes, as long as it involves taking a switch to Willy-Wally. Let's make him our gimp.

Windy, I have no doubt that you will be magnificent to experience. Shall we give the gimp a ball-gag, or just let him scream?

The neologism originated with Keith "Queef Eatin'" Eaton, unhinged troll extraordinaire. Wally adopted the term out of hot hot manlove"respect" for Queef's "intellect".

Which pretty much tells you what quality of intellect we're dealing with in our dear Wallykins.

By minimalist (not verified) on 16 Dec 2008 #permalink

The neologism originated with Keith "Queef Eatin'" Eaton, unhinged troll extraordinaire.

Ah, yes! I remember him; PZ shackled him up in the dungeon a while back. Yeah, he was a quivering mass of batshit insane.

Minimize your thebligs until it becomes automatic; this doubles your effective lifetime---and thereby gives time to enjoy butterflies and kittens and rainbows.

Sliding slowly down the insanity slope, Limp Willy gibbered:

It's time for a fool to pray for dusk.

What does that even mean? Are you still in the same reality as the rest of us?

You're getting worse. You may want to ask your doctor to adjust your medication.

By LanceR, JSG (not verified) on 17 Dec 2008 #permalink

"It's time for food to prep for ducks."

"It's time for a foot to schlep for musk."

Those statements make an equal amount of sense...

Wally has never been particularly, um, hinged, so to speak.

It's time for a tard to fail hard.

Of course, when Willy's around, it's always that time.

By Der Bruno Stroszek (not verified) on 17 Dec 2008 #permalink

It's time for a tard to fail hard.

Nothing on that pitiful excuse for a man is hard, despite FellateTheKindred's heroic oral efforts to achieve some measure of useful rigidity... terrible, just terrible...r