The Whitest Kids U' Know: Clint Webb for Senate

Some people think Im joking when I say Im an anarchist. Im not. This is why.


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Great video. Reminds me of somebody.

By William Wallace (not verified) on 02 Nov 2010 #permalink

I love the WKUK. This is just great satire by Trevor.

By BeamStalk (not verified) on 02 Nov 2010 #permalink

I've got to put in appearances at six watch parties tonight.

You make me feel all dirty.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 02 Nov 2010 #permalink

Meh. I understand your point, but for me anarchy is the condition which exists just before the next bunch of assholes gets to the top of the pyramid. And if there isn't a pyramid, they'll build one out of bodies (cos they're assholes).

Nice idea, wrong species. Although I accept that I could be wrong on this.

Have you considered doing a post on anarchy? Would be interesting for the rest of us.

This is why we really need people to understand evolution. So voters will see how systems like this are inevitable under the conditions they create. But what would anarchism do to solve the problem?

I understand the sentiments behind anarchism, especailly faced with the current system in the US where there seems to be almost no accountability between the state and the people. I just don't think it will work. Any time you take the head off an organisation, the biggest bastards will rise to the top. We're apes, and apes respect authority - and I HATE these sorts of argument from biology, and yes I've read The Dispossessed; but has there ever been a successful non-hierarchical society of more than a few tens of people?. Things like roads and communications and power just need more organisation, and organisation means authority.

(I would, of course, love to hear why or how you think it COULD work.)

Just improve the accountability in democracy - cap campaign spending; make all donations registered, public and limited; kill the lobbyists (not literally).

By theshortearedowl (not verified) on 04 Nov 2010 #permalink

Abbie is a self admitted /b/tard so her flavor of anarchy is probably a decade ahead of conventional political taxonomies.

Don't think Somalia. Think web ie regulation and tax defiant free market of ideas, products and services with amorphous syndicates [mobs] wreaking vengeance on individuals and organizations for offenses to the collective conscience and body.


I guess the web is kind of like Somalia.

If you just need to know how to label the dossier or something, most goons, /b/tards and their innumerable mutant progeny are minarchist crypto-anarchists.

I'm a garden variety recreational nihilist. I wanted to be a crypto-fascist just because it sounds kinda sexy and evil but if you say you are one you aren't one any more.

How unfair is that.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 04 Nov 2010 #permalink

@#6 Rorschach, how can you say that? You've never seen Slow Jerk?


Don't think Somalia. Think web ie regulation and tax defiant free market of ideas, products and services with amorphous syndicates [mobs] wreaking vengeance on individuals and organizations for offenses to the collective conscience and body.

That's kinda the problem: anarchy only works as a strategy as long as no-one can (literally or metaphorically) hit someone over the head with a rock. Works fine for open-source software, less well for nation-states.

I wanted to be a crypto-fascist just because it sounds kinda sexy and evil but if you say you are one you aren't one any more.

Personally I'm a solipsist. Or rather I would be, if there were a universe to be solipsistic about.