Garden update: carrot-pulling challenges.

It's been a long time since I posted a garden update. As we're on the cusp of summer, there's a lot to update you on.

And I will, soon.

But today, I wanted to share two reasons carrots are sometimes hard to pull up.

Reason #1: The carrot you're trying to pull up is wrapped around another carrot that you aren't trying to harvest.


Reason #2: The carrot you're trying to harvest has grown a barb.


I think I'm only a few weeks away from being able to discover features that make it hard to harvest potatoes.

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Wow, carrot love. I'm going to plant some carrots soon and this is good to know. :-)

You are lucky! Our carrots usually wrap around rocks.

My husband says that rocks are upstate NY's "renewable resource", as they come up every spring to torment the home gardener (and the rototillers).

It's been a long time since I posted a garden update.

Uh-huh. Only 25 or so daily updates on the gastropods in your garden.

The carrots are a message to you from your friendly gastropods: âStop digging up our salad!â

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