Incorrect Guide to Science

The Panda's Thumb is compiling a chapter by chapter rebuttal of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design. This book is part of a series of shoddy academic endeavors that includes The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History; they could remove the word "politically" from the cover and capture a more accurate representation of the contents within. PZ Myers has posted his reply to the chapter on embryology here, and he points out:

"It really is a ghastly, badly done book, and unfortunately, while it only takes one dishonest fool to spin a lie, it takes a whole team to undo it."

Every sentence in one of these anti-science texts requires a full paragraph to explain why it's total bullshit. It's real easy to lie and spread misinformation; it's a lot harder to actually spread knowledge honestly. Anyway, to help in the fight against willful ignorance, link back to the Panda's Thumb with the title of the book like so: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design.

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