Marjorie Grene dies

i-3c17cfd66c2ec68057961a70e22b9e07-mgrene.jpgMarjorie Grene was a doyen of philosophy and history of biology, and I reviewed one of her last texts a while back and linked to an interview. She died yesterday, according to Leiter, aged 99.

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As a former student of Marjorie's, I'm deeply saddened. No one lives forever, but I always hoped she would. She was a wonderful, interesting person, and her seminars were probably the best part of my graduate education.

Your review prompted me to go out and get the book ... and read it (not so promptly, as it is certainly dense with information).

She was obviously an excellent scholar and, as the interview showed, quite an interesting person. Another person who I won't get to meet and which makes me feel the less for that.