Brad & Angelina update

Just so you know, Brad and Angelina did not get married. What sort of animal signal is this?


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I have read Zahavi and I thought it was fascinating. But I don't understand what you are getting at in relating it Brad and Angelina's behavior. (Just a droll comment? Just a way to introduce the link?)
But I have another question, that I put here because you are a psychologist (I think).
This regards the spate of partner-swapping going on among the current generation of Hollywood glitterati. Is the current level of this behavior unusual (for that segment of society), or 1) am I getting old and don't remember that most previous generations behaved the same way, or 2) is it a function of increased media outlets to report on the behavior, or 3) something else?

you are a psychologist

no, i'm not. but i think it is a mix of 1 and 2. 'golden era' hollywood was far less morally clean cut than the studio system would allow to be exposed.