My nerd level

I am nerdier than 77% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!.

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How the heck did I get 94%? I'm much less geekish than Razib. Maybe it was building my own computer ...

By Karen Lofstrom (not verified) on 07 Sep 2006 #permalink

I only got a 66%, but I think the score might be an underestimate depending on what your definition of "nerd" is. If you mean someone who is very much into computers and has gaming as a major hobby, then I don't fit that type very well. However, if you mean someone whose main interests are all in the field of science, and who is constantly trying to figure out how things work, I fit that description very well.

Wow, I only got a very low score -- under 50 BTW. lol, this is a point worth noting in the recognition that I'll never reach razib's level, regardless of anything I might ever do.

By R. Boknekht (not verified) on 07 Sep 2006 #permalink