
I have turned on moderation for all comments. This means that you may have to wait a considerable amount of time before I publish them on the weblog (I will not be checking and approving on an iPhone for example). If your comment is not published within about 1 day then you may assume I have deleted it. Comments which add value, address the post and are delivered courteously will be published. Those which do not meet all three criteria will not be published. So if you are courteous but do not address the post you will not be allowed through the moderation queue. If you do not add value then you will not be allowed through the moderation queue; e.g., a comment of the form "Great post!" is not necessary and I will not publish it despite the fact that it nominally addresses the post and is courteous. If you make an uncivil argument the substantive nature of your comment will be irrelevant; you will not make it through the comment queue. I will make more than a cursory examination of comments by anyone who is not a "regular" and/or known to me personally. The primary exception to these stipulations are humorous comments, which need not add value only through a direct engagement with the post.


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