Still the bridesmaid

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Steve Kao said: RKBA.016 - Is the United States the most violent nation? Version 1.2 (last changed on 91/03/22 at 13:05:06) In homicide, the US is number 11, with a murder rate of 9.60 per 100,000. The nearest European country in the Netherlands, with a homicide rate of 7.15 per 100,000. However,…
Whiskey Fire explains the 2006 election very cogently: A lot has been said already about the '06 elections, and a lot more will be said. Most of this will be crap. So let me just be clear: The Republicans lost the '06 elections because they are crazy people with shitty policies that have all failed…
If you are a blogger and you are in the Triangle area of North Carolina this Friday, I hope to see you at the Triangle Bloggers Barbecue. Sign up on the Wiki there if you know you can show up for sure. Let's have fun kicking off the Fall '06 Triangle Blogger Season!
In the past couple of months Sweden has started to receive large numbers of refugees from Syria, Iraq and a few other war-torn Middle-eastern countries. The ones who claim the right of political asylum are adequately cared for by the immigration authorities. But many don't claim that right. They…

D'oh. Strategic retreat. An easier opponent in the next game.

By Lassi Hippeläinen (not verified) on 21 Feb 2010 #permalink

As my Finish colleagues might say, yet again has the evil oppressor come out on top. My Swedish colleagues are oblivious to these feeling, oblivious at least superficially.