I hope these stories are not related to each other

I hope these stories are not related to each other

Great beasts peppered from space

There is fairly convincing evidence that the explosion of an object not of this earth hit mammoths and other Pleistocene Mega Beasts with shrapnel up in Siberia and Alaska.

Boeing's 12,000lb chemical laser set to fry targets from aircraft

Earthlings have finally developed an effective, large scale, and portable Ray Gun.

Global group aims to return Martian soil to Earth

There is a plan to go to Mars and bring back some dirt. Who knows what is going to be in that dirt?

Who Speaks for Earth? ... From Seed Magazine:

After decades of searching, scientists have found no trace of extraterrestrial intelligence. Now, some of them hope to make contact by broadcasting messages to the stars. Are we prepared for an answer?


Fellow Earthlings, do you need me to connect the dots for you?

More like this

Gort: No, no, if you don't say the WHOLE THING EXACTLY RIGHT the robot will destroy the entire planet!!!

Uranus? Innuendo? Never mind............

By Mad Hussein LO… (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink