The Pod Cast ... It Exists

I'm talking about the May 4th Podcast of Atheist Talk, from the Minnesota Atheists. The first half was an interview of Lois Schadewald, editor of her brother's posthumous work "Worlds of their Own" ... a book of essays on pseudoscience.

The second half was an interview of Yours Truly by Mike Haubrich on "Academic Freedom" and stuff.

You have to understand that I did this interview against the advice of medical professionals, with a severe case of near-laryngitis. ... so no, that is not actually my voice .... plus I had a fever and was heavily drugged. And not enough coffee. And I was hungry. And whining a lot.

But Mike handled me pretty well.

... Actually, I kind of like the quite, gravelly-voiced slower-talking Greg... maybe I'll keep that.

Anyway, enjoy the interviews. Especially enjoy the ads for Cucumber's Intelligently Designed Buffet!!

If you are a Minnesotan, don't forget to join Minnesota Atheists.

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Hi Greg,

The only time I have ever heard your voice was when I met you at the radio studio, so I can't say whether you sounded better or worse than usual. I can say that you sounded fine. As you know, we were able to boost the microphone so you didn't have to strain your voice so much, and I think we were very successful. Thanks so much for the great interview!

August Berkshire, Producer, Atheists Talk radio

August, you were a gracious host, and the work you are doing with this show is outstanding.