
Whatever you do, don't call it Frankenmeat. The name makes villagers reach for their torches and pitchforks. Call it "cruelty-free" meat instead.

Whatever you do, don't call it Frankenmeat. The name makes villagers reach for their torches and pitchforks. Call it "cruelty-free" meat instead.

The responses in the video show the sad state of science education in the US (and Canada as I doubt the responses here would be any different.) While visually the meat will not look like what you get from the store (although with chicken that might not be as true) as I doubt they would be able to get the fat marbling in beef that a good steak has (and needs for tenderness) taste wise there will be no difference. In terms of health it can only be a better product as the current proliferation of antibiotics, fungicides and gawd only knows what else is present in our meat will not be needed. I wouldn't hesitate a second to try it. I look forward to the opportunity.

I'd wager that there actually were a few people that they interviewed that went "makes sense" (my first reaction too, btw), but that those didn't survive the editing table. With a title like "Frankenmeat", you know that they were hoping to scare people, and were looking for people who are scared of "lab grown meat".

I'd expect the first few products on the market to not taste that great yet, but I expect that to change pretty quickly. Kinda like vegetarian substitute meat has come a long way recently (at least, so I've been told). I'll probably end up eating it if it turns out to be comparable in taste to normal meat, and cheaper.

I think this is long overdue. Gee, at a time when our government is spending taxpayers money like it's a bottom-less pit. We have a group of people who may have just paid for the technology that may enable us to grow organs for transplants. Besides, it sounds like it will be environmentally advantageous.
AND! It sounds like the FDA will actually test it. The FDA can't keep tabs on the Commercial farm industry; maybe they can handle this?
The name, Franken-meat is not very appetizing! But if comes to the store, I would try it. Perhaps we will have a low-cholesterol version in the future.